Vermont Organic Mattress Showroom to Reopen Monday May 18th!

For Immediate Release…

The Natural Mattress Company will reopen our showroom on Monday May 18th. The State of Vermont has mandated that retail stores need to limit patrons to 25% of the legal capacity.
We would appreciate if customers would call ahead to make an appointment, as I would like to try and limit the showroom to one customer group at a time. However, it is not absolutely necessary.

Store employees will be taking all the precautions, such as wearing face masks, sanitizing, and maintaining a six foot distance. It can even be arranged, where you enter the store on your own, and we discuss mattress options when you come outside. We want to make you feel comfortable and safe!

If you want to shop from home we are still available digitally. Whether you have a question about a mattress, bed frame or organic bedding we can help you out via e-mail or phone call.

Thank you so much for supporting our small local business during this difficult time. It means so much to us!
